When to renew
If it is less than four months until your certification expires and you have met all the requirements for recertification, you may pay the recertification fee. Payment must be completed (either online or through the mail) no later than your certification expiration date.
How much to pay
The recertification fee is $55 for technicians and instructor candidates and $60 for instructors. If you are randomly selected to be audited for your CEUs and do not pass, a refund will not be provided. You will find a detailed fee table on this website under Resources-FAQs/Fees.
How to pay
To pay the recertification fee, scroll in your Online Profile to the Certification Information section. When you are eligible (within 4 months of expiration and all requirements entered), click on the "Recertify" link. You have the option to pay online with a credit/debit/check card, purchase order or e-voucher, or to print out a form to complete and submit with a check, purchase order or money order. The mailing address, fax number and phone number can be found on the form.
In case you clicked the wrong button
Some people mistakenly click on "Apply for Instructor Candidacy" or "Apply to be a Technician Proxy." There are several warnings so please look before you click. If you accidently click on either of these, please contact Safe Kids as soon as possible. You will receive a refund, minus a $10 processing fee.
For more information: Please refer to our Policies & Procedures Manual.