Safe Kids audits a random sample of newly recertified technicians to confirm that CEUs are being completed in accordance with our CPS certification policies and procedures. Each CEU category has specific written documentation requirements, which are explained in the Policies & Procedures Manual and are summarized below. The audit process is specifically for CEUs because unlike seat checks, CEUs are not verified online.

As explained on the CEUs page of this website, if you are a recertifying technician you are responsible for entering completed CEUs on the recertification page of your CPS online profile and keeping written proof of the earned CEUs.

You may also want to scan your CEU materials to a computer so it will make it easy to provide later if you are selected for an audit. Safe Kids will not return materials submitted during an audit. CEU documentation should be kept during the certification cycle and for at least three months after recertification is completed. If selected for a CEU audit, you can monitor your audit status through your CPS online profile.

Questions? E-mail the Quality Assurance Specialist at [email protected].

If You Are Selected for a CEU Audit

Here is an overview of information you will be required to provide if you are selected for a CEU audit. Additional details about CEU requirements may be found in our Policies & Procedures Manual. If the event was a Safe Kids pre-approved CEU event and an Event ID was issued you will ONLY need to provide proof of attendance. Include the session/event title, date, times, CEUs awarded, presenter/organizer name and Safe Kids Event ID. For all non-pre-approved CEU events follow the requirements below:

Category #1: In-person Session/Workshop

Event information – If the event was not pre-approved and assigned a Safe Kids Event ID, you will need to provide proof of content AND proof of attendance.

Proof of content – Provide one of the following:

  • Copy of meeting/conference agenda(s). Include the session title, date, times and presenter(s) name.
  • Printed copy of the presentation(s).
  • Copy of the session description from the official conference program. The sessions that you attended must be clearly marked.

Proof of attendance – Provide one of the following:

  • Certificate with event name, session title, date, times, CEUs awards and presenter(s) name.
  • Personal letter/e-mail from event provider. Must include the event name, session title, CEUs awarded, date and times.
  • Copy of sign in sheet with your name circled. Must include the session title, date and time.
Category #-2: Teleconferences:

Teleconference information- If it was not pre-approved and assigned a Safe Kids Event ID, you will need to provide proof of content AND proof of attendance

Proof of content – Provide one of the following:

  • Agenda with topic, dates, times and presenter(s) name.
  • Official call minutes or notes provided by moderator/sponsor

Proof of attendance – Provide one of the following:

  • Certificate with topic, date, times, CEUs awarded and presenter’s name.
  • Personalized letter/e-mail from the session provider confirming CEUs awarded, dates and times of attendance.
  • Official call minutes or notes provided by moderator/sponsor with list of attendees.
Category #3: Online sessions

Session information -- If the session was not pre-approved and givens a Safe Kids Event ID, you will need to provide proof of content AND proof of attendance.

Proof of content – Provide one of the following:

  • Copy of session agenda/outline/objectives. Include the session title, presenter’s name, date and times.
  • Printed copy of presentation.
  • Copy of the session description from the official session provider (summary).

Proof of attendance – Provide one of the following:

  • Certificate with topic, date, times CEUs awarded and presenter(s) name.
  • Personal letter/email from session provider. Include the session title,CEUs awarded, date and times.
  • Printout of completed confirmation page. Include the session title, date,time, CEUs awarded and presenter(s) name.
Category #4: Newsletters/Manuals/Journals
  • Subscription Newsletters - Safe Ride Newsand SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A.Only approved purchased newsletters (noted above) may be used for CEUs. The CPS Express, for example, is not approved for CEUs.
    • For each paid subscription, provide publication name and proof of purchase provided by a publisher other than Safe Kids. Proof of purchase must include:
      • Name of technician or technician instructor
      • Dates of subscription (one CEU per one year of subscription during certification cycle)
  • Manuals
    • LATCH Manual – Upon passing the quiz (80%), technicians will receive an email from Safe Ride News which will be used as documentation if audited.) One CEU per completed quiz. One CEU maximum.
    • Child Restraint Manufacturers’ Instructions (CRMI) or individual instruction manuals - Technicians will complete and submit the quiz via e-mail to SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A., which will provide technicians with audit documentation via e-mail. One CEU per completed quiz. One CEU maximum
  • Scientific Journals/Conference Proceedings –
    • Three articles from a peer reviewed, national, scientific publication (e.g. Journal of the American Medical Association, Pediatrics, STAPP) or conference proceedings will earn one CEU. One CEU maximum.
    • Provide complete copies of articles or proceedings.
    • Provide the issue and volume of the journal where the article was published.

CEU Audits

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