Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technicians, whose certifications have expired, are eligible to take the one-day Certification Renewal Testing Course. This class is designed to renew the certification for expired technicians who wish to become CPS technicians again. After successfully completing this course, students will be recertified and able to provide both individual and group CPS education.

What is a Renewal Testing Course?

The course is not an update/refresher class. There is no scheduled time for review--just testing. It is for expired CPS technicians who have maintained their child passenger safety knowledge and their hands-on skills but who, for one reason or another, allowed their certifications to expire. It is expected that students attempting to renew their certifications have stayed involved in CPS programs and activities and have monitored changes in the field by reading technical updates, attending other CPS classes and working with non-expired technicians.

The Renewal Testing Course includes a written test and skills testing, including a checkup event. A minimum score of 84 percent is required to pass the written test. Any former technician who does not pass the Renewal Testing Course is encouraged to take the full Certification Course, rather than taking it again.

How to take a Renewal Testing Course

If you plan to take the Renewal Testing Course, please use your assigned username and password that you used when you became a CPS technician. This is important because if you log in as a “new user,” the system will not show your certification history. To register for a Renewal Testing Course, your status must say “Expired.” If you log in and your status shows “Contact,” you have made a duplicate profile and should contact Safe Kids CPS Certification for assistance.

Lost username or passwords

If you do not know your username or password, and you have the same e-mail address you did when you were originally certified, try clicking on "Forgot Your Password?" at the log in screen. You may also contact Safe Kids CPS Certification at [email protected] or 202-875-6330. Read the FAQ.

More information:

For additional information, please read the FAQs about the Renewal Testing Course.

Renewal Testing Course

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