Instructor candidates will have designated instructors to serve as their mentors during the course. Mentors will be the primary point of contact for any questions or concerns and are responsible for daily reviews with the candidates. Instructor candidates may have more than one mentor, which could enrich the candidate’s experience.
To ensure the integrity of the evaluation process, the National CPS Board has established the following standards for selecting mentors for instructor candidates:
- An instructor candidate should not be evaluated by anyone with a professional or familial relationship, including supervisors, siblings, children and spouses.
- When these situations exist, Instructor Mentors must excuse themselves from the evaluation process. Another potential mentor with no potential bias will be selected.
The instructor team has a responsibility to provide feedback through the assigned mentor on a daily basis. Become more familiar with the role of the mentor by reviewing the IC evaluation, Mentor-Instructor Candidate Guide, IC-Mentor Worksheet, and other tools.