Thank you for your interest in becoming a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technician.
You are joining a group of dedicated people who all have one thing in common: they care deeply about kids and want to make sure they are safe on every ride.
Here’s what you need to know to get started.
What Techs Do
CPS technicians and instructors use their considerable knowledge and expertise at a variety of community-based activities, such as child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers receive education and hands-on assistance. CPS technicians and instructors also keep up-to-date on the latest technical information about child passenger safety through seminars and other continuing education opportunities.
All CPS technicians must take and pass the CPS Certification Course and pay a course fee of $95. Learn more about the course and read “Frequently Asked Questions” about becoming a tech.
Why People Become Techs
We asked CPS technicians why they became techs. Here’s what they said.
“If I save just one life, I've done my job while here on earth! Children can't protect themselves. We have to take care of their future.” - A. Pinkerton
“To save a life. Once you receive a call from a client crying, from the crash scene, thanking you for helping her make her children safe because they were just hit head on by a semi and the children walked away, you will understand why I do what I do.” - H. Harper-Berard
“I am a CPS tech because every day I can make a difference in helping save the life of a child and the other occupants in the vehicle… I went to the CPST class kicking and screaming because it was a 5 day course. I am so glad I persevered.” - J. Baker
“It was a recent forced job requirement....that turned into one of the best things that I've ever done! It is now my passion and I love every minute of this responsibility I am taking and providing to the community!!! Possibilities are endless!!!! - C. Jenewein
“I am a CPS technician because I am a Public Health Nurse. While I am TEACHING families to keep their kids safe, I am ASSESSING other psychosocial needs and REFERRING to other services. Promote, Prevent, Protect. This is Public Health! And because I am a mom of 4 kids who feels that all kids deserve a chance to be safe. - C. Cherry
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