If you are unhappy with any part of the CPS Certification or Renewal Courses, you may file a written complaint. Safe Kids will not accept appeals or complaints based on test questions or missed deadlines.
Documentation should include a description of the problem that you experienced, letters of support, and any other appropriate materials. This appeal will be shared with the person being challenged, who will have an opportunity to respond.
All complaints or appeals must include clear supporting documentation and be postmarked within seven days for test administration-related incidents and 30 days for all other incidents. Please complete and use the appeals form as a cover sheet for your submission. You will find the appeals form on this website under Resources-FAQS/Forms.
Safe Kids will investigate and respond in writing to all complaints and appeals in as timely a manner as possible. If appropriate, Safe Kids will consult with the National Child Passenger Safety Board and/or state CPS training contact. Should this be the case, no information identifying the person who is filing the complaint will be provided to any member of the board or the CPS community.