Course Assistant

  1. Why is being a Course Assistant a requirement? 
  2. What are the role and responsibilities of the Course Assistant in a certification course?
  3. Is there an evaluation for Course Assistants?

1. Why is being a Course Assistant a requirement? 

Being a Course Assistant not only helps a course run smoothly, it allows technicians considering submitting an Instructor Candidacy application to better understand how the courses come together and are run. They gain experience as they help with set up with activities, gaining a better understanding of the curriculum and time management. The Course Assistant benefits from directly observing teaching styles and learning styles that can enhance a positive learning experience. They supplement or reinforce with technician candidates the important points that the instructors make in class.

Note: Although an evaluation of a course assistant that is interested in submitting an Instructor Candidacy application is required by the instructor following the class, the Course Assistant is not added to the instructor roster.  Only course instructors, mentors and ICs are included.

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2. What are the role and responsibilities of the Course Assistant in a certification course?

As a Course Assistant, the technician works closely with the instructor team to provide a well-run and organized learning experience for the technician candidates. They can help prepare the classroom, set up classroom and hands-on exercises, and help the instructor team behind the scenes.  Expectations should be clear and discussed at the pre-course meeting. They should be flexible and volunteer whenever they can to assist the team to keep the class running smoothly.

  • The Course Assistant must be present and participate for the entire class, including the required Pre-course Instructor Meeting. The Course Assistant should participate in any other planning meetings held by the Instructor team.
  • The Course Assistant must participate in setting up the classroom and help set up and participate in classroom and hands-on exercises. Discuss with your Mentor the course expectations and course norms for the instructor team, including:
    • How hands-on exercises are set up
    • The Course Assistant with their assigned instructor should set up a hands-on exercise and the instructor will explain the objectives to the class.
    • Use constructive feedback offered by your assigned instructor to improve your skill set.
    • Demonstrate initiative (Ask, “What can I do to help?” if not already working on an assigned task or preparing to teach a module)
    • A daily meeting for instructors (before or after class) during a certification course
    • What teaching tools are available or typically used
  • The Course Assistant should observe all aspects of the course including various teaching styles of all instructors. The Course Assistant should be in the classroom observing the Instructors and classroom interactions whenever he/she is not assisting with setting up exercises or engaged in other Instructor-assigned duties.
  • The Course Assistant can begin to get familiar with what is involved in conducting a CPS certification class by reading the “National CPS Certification Training Program Planning and Logistics Guide”   that can be downloaded and/or printed from the website.

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3. Is there an evaluation for Course Assistants?

Although there is no formal evaluation process, the instructor team should provide daily feedback and guidance to the Course Assistant. Any instructor can provide feedback, answer questions and refer the Course Assistant to available resources. Prior to the course, one instructor should be identified as the one who will complete the testimonial in the IC application. You may find the NC Course Assistant evaluation a helpful resource.


Course Assistant

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